Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day 7: London

All but a few lines of the Tube were off thanks to a strike, so it took some careful planning and lots of walking to get to the Natural History Museum. It was very fun, of course, all animal parts and skeletons and such. The case of various bird's feet was oddly amusing. Too many children to really enjoy the dinosaurs. One precocious four year-old accurately noted that "this looks like an ankylosaur."
Afterwards, we went to Harrod's. Most of the shop is just obscenely expensive and poncey, but in the foodhalls that becomes a wonderful thing. $150 for a kilo of venison, anyone? I should've bought a single prawn cocktail for 99p, just because. It's all a bit silly, really.
Walked through Hyde Park - with squirrels! - and Soho before having dinner at Covent Garden. London is unbelieveably huge and complicated. It's like the world's biggest onion, with layer after layer. And yes, I did steal the onion analogy from Shrek.

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