Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Day 36: Rome

There aren't any public toilets in Rome, which proved surprisingly significant today.
First of all, the Nice - Rome train was the slowest I've ever been on - worse than the Tsuyama Line - and it was a solid twelve hour trip.
Arrived in Rome, checked into a nice hostel, strolled down to the Colosseum. Camera batteries died, and I refuse to pay seven euros for batteries, so no more photos. Didn't go inside the Colosseum - was advised not to bother, and the crowds were pretty off-putting.
Strolled through the Roman Forum, which looks amazing, but since I came in the wrong end without pamphlets, I didn't know what anything was.
Needed a loo, and with no camera and being very tired, I decided that whatever I saw today, I would come back and see again.
The search for a loo was an epic tale. The museum must have a loo - costs ten euros to get in. Well the Pantheon must have one - nope. Surely, the Trevi Fountain? Nope. McDonalds! Broken. Much, much later, found a Burger King, relieved myself, and went back to the Trevi Fountain for gelati.
Wandered the streets aimlessly for a while - after all, it's Rome, every street has something beautiful to see. Saw lots of pretty old buildings, steps, plazas, streets - didn't know the names of anything (nothing too important, though).
And odd start to Rome. Will rant about how wonderful it is tomorrow, when I have a proper look.

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