Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day 38: Rome

Mopped up the remaining sights of Rome today. Started with the Roman Forum, where I paid for my first audio guide, which was just as well, since there's absolutely no information provided. The remains of the temples, houses, etc are fascinating, especially those later converted to churches (the best preserved) and the home of the Vestal Virgins. Stopped by the Colosseum again for a cow-shot.
There's absolutely nothing left of the Circus Maximus. Don't bother.
Found my way to the happiest place on Earth - a gelateria with over 100 flavours. Baskin Robbins think they're great with 31. They got nothin'.
Wandered through another huge piazza with another huge Egyptian column, leading to the Corso, with its fabulous, stupidly expensive shops. Then back to the hostel for an early night (early train tomorrow).

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