Friday, November 23, 2007

Day 26: Barcelona

Overheard in the Sagrada Familia:
"This is what I paid seven pounds for? Is this it?"
Yes, wench, you paid seven pounds (actually eight euros, which I'm sure doesn't convert to seven pounds, but anyway) to see one of the most remarkable buildings in the world. Now go away.
The Sagrada Familia is remarkable, and a lifetime must-see sort of thing. It's truly unique - massive though not as big as some cathedrals, devoid of painting or sculpture (unless you count the building itself) - it is amazing for its ambition, its use of shapes and surfaces found in living things rather than buildings, and because the bloody thing's only half-finished. Yes, it's definitely the world's most beautiful construction site.
A lift takes you part-way up one of the towers, from where you can climb to the top of that tower and a couple more. I was in line to go up that damn lift for over an hour, but blimey, it was worth it.
Next, I went to Parc Guell, accurately described by Lonely Planet as somewhere Dr Seuss would feel at home. Organic curves, colour, and an unbridled imagination are the order of the day with the paths, fountains, terraces and buildings there. Marvellous, but a bloody hike to get to.
Staying at a dirt-cheap hostel, which is nice enough but miles and miles from anywhere. Still, free internet and breakfast for 10 euros, can't complain.

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