Saturday, November 24, 2007

Day 28: Marrakesh

Began today confused over time - turned out I hadn't put my watch back the required two hours, thus explaining some confusion from yesterday.
Walked to the Ville Nouvelle, which is much more peaceful and navigable than the medina, but also much hotter (no shade) and quite boring, really. Walked back to Djemma el-Fna and had a late brunch just off the square.
Walked towards the Kasbah to visit two palaces. Palais de la Bahia was built in the 19th century, and has lots of beautiful courtyards and tilework - lots and lots of colour. Palais el Badi is much grander, far older, and completely stripped bare. It's in ruins, but they're impressive ruins, and great fun to explore. Also, lots of nesting storks, very neat. Also lots of tour groups, and I imagine that Morocco would be a very awkward place for group tourism.
Went back to Djemma el-Fna for a milkshake and some errands.
Returned to the Kasbah looking for the Saadian Tombs. Saw a sign, which I followed, which led me into some guy's shop, and spewed me out in a random back alley. A nice boy took me to the tombs, and I gladly gave him some money, since he actually took me somewhere, unlike everyone else thus far. The tombs had some more pretty tile-work, but not much else.
Was pushed into a herbalist shop where I told a lady I couldn't buy anything because of Australian quarantine. There was actually a poster from the Australian quarantine office one the wall that said otherwise. Heh heh.
Went home for a rest, then back to Djemma el-Fna - again - for dinner. Dinner was lovely but took a bloody age to come. Walked home, didn't get lost. Morocco already feels much more manageable.

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