Monday, December 3, 2007

Day 50: Munich / Fussen

Spent the day on a trip to the over-the-top and over-touristed castles of Schloss Neuschwanstein and Schloss Hohenschwangen. The train ride was pretty, as per usual, though the poopy smell from the many dairy farms often filled the carriage.
The town of Fussen itself is, of course, pretty.
The castles are perched on cliffs with a complete tourist village between them. This certainly was not off-the-beaten-track, that's for sure. Hohenschwangen is a nice yellow and has some funky fountains, but everyone comes for Neuschwanstein. It looks much like the Disneyland castle is was supposed to have inspired - actually, that pretty much sums it up - "like the one at Disneyland."
There's a bridge over a beautiful gorge nearby which has the best views; naturally, it was packed with photo-snapping tourists like myself. I had to wonder what the carrying capacity of that bridge was.
Back in Munich, I've become rather fond of the anti-pigeon spikes on lots of signs, especially the way they add a sinister edge to the sweetest of businesses. "Bunnies, Kittens, and Marshmallows," surrounded by PIGEON-KILLING SPIKES. Heh heh. Damn pigeons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, the spikes don't kill pigeons, they just keep them from roosting an pooping there, so nobody gets hurt that way, the pigeons just have to find someone else to poop on.