Saturday, December 8, 2007

Day 56: Brussels - Amsterdam

Brussels then Amsterdam today, and both were bloody freezing. Walked around the Grand Place again, and bought some chocolates. Then went to the Musee des Instruments de la Musique, one of the coolest museums I've ever been to. You get headphones at the ticket desk, and when you stand in front of a display, you automatically hear music played on that instrument. It's really neat to wander around and have the music change from one thing to another: sitar! Lute! Bagpipes! Harpsichord! There's also some quirky instruments that didn't get past the prototype stage, like creatures from the Cambrian Explosion.
Hopped on a train for a surprisingly long ride to Amsterdam. The Netherlands looks like you'd expect; flat, waterlogged, heavily populated - but surprisingly pretty, given the above. Didn't get a hostel until 6ish. Dealth with the world's most useless tourist info lady at the station.
Me: Excuse me, I'm looking for a YHA hostel.
World's Most Useless Lady: I can make a booking for you...
Me: No thanks, I just need directions.
WMUL: (drawing massive circles on a map) There are hostels here, here and here.
Me: Is there a YHA hostel? Do you have any addresses?
WMUL: No, I don't know.
Then what bloody use are you?
Walked around a bit and found that for all the dope / prostitution / gay scene etc trademarks, Amsterdam just feels kinda quirky, that's all. Not a torch-bearing beacon for liberal attitudes, nor a pit of sin and debauchery - just a little wacky, slightly ramshackle sort of city. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

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