Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Day 37: Rome

Street-for-street, Rome is prettier than Paris. On the downside, the Tiber is dirty and all the sights are swarming with tourists. Also, my complete lack of Italian makes me feel like a moron.
Began the day with a 90-minute queue to get into the Vatican Museums. Once inside the world's smallest country, I could see the origin of the phrase "an embarrassment of riches." Besides their beauty and history, the museums (and the Vatican generally) are astoundingly wealthy, absolutely littered with sculpture, paintings and tapestries. Eventually followed the crowds to the Sistine Chapel, a neck-aching lesson in Biblical history. Not a single spot of the walls and ceiling are left unpainted. Went to the museum of early Christian history, and it was completely empty. This is what happens when you veer ever so slightly off the tourist trail.
Went back to Italy and then into the Vatican again to visit St Peter's. Before the Basicilia, I saw the Papal Tombs, including John Paul II's. The Basilica itself is enormous and beautiful, and has nicely crafted windows letting in picturesque shafts of light which add to the serenity.
Returning to Italy again, I caught up on some of yesterday's sights, mostly just to take photos; the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps. Apparently, the Pantheon's dome is such a marvel of architecture that it could not be replicated, even with modern technology.
Had another gelato. I may be developing an addiction.

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