Saturday, November 24, 2007

Day 30: Marrakesh - Casablanca

Wow. The things that happened today seem sort of disconnected from each other, so I'll try dotpoints today.
1) Moroccan trains are quite nice, but the rowdy, obnoxious guys sharing my compartment were not.
2) The Marrakesh - Casablanca scenery is completely desolate. Couldn't call it pretty. The emptiness is sort of striking, though.
3) Casablanca is a world away from Marrakesh: ocean, big modern buildings, more Western dress. Very dirty, though.
4) Met a nice Kiwi / Canadian lady, Nancy. She asked me for directions to the Hassan II Mosque (which is astonishing), we went together, and we're getting the same train to Fes tomorrow.
5) Had a traditional Ramadan dinner, by accident. Went into the only open restaurant I could find. Noticed everyone was Moroccan and eating the same thing. Food arrived without ordering - spicy lentil soup, bread, boiled eggs, orange juice, coffee.
A good day, then.

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