Saturday, November 24, 2007

Day 29: Marrakesh

Marrakesh continues to reveal itself as I become less baffled.
Started with the Jardin Majorelle, and the Islamic Art Museum, possibly the only air-conditioned building in Marrakesh. A nice, peaceful retreat.
Walked the long walk to Djemma el-Fna. Was interrupted by a very persistent would-be guide who told me I was going the wrong way. "But I came this way the past two days," I replied. He gave up. Would-be guides love to tell you that a) you're going the wrong way, or b) the way you're going is closed. It helps to actually know where you're going.
Had a yummy milkshake and pastry near Djemma el-Fna.
Went to the Moroccan Arts Museum in Dar Si Said. Pretty underwhelming museum, but the building was nice.
Went home for a nap, then hit Djemma el-Fna again for dinner. Went into the core of the souks for the first time. Really cool but hardly relaxing.
Last observation: Moroccan women generally look more fashionable - and definitely more comfortable, given the climate - than tourist women. There's also a definite middle class of modern, confident women who look incredibly chic.

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