Monday, December 10, 2007

Day 66: New York City

Donnie was working and Steph was in Philly so I spent the day by myself on a Death March around NYC. Started at the United Nations; I realise it's not a particularly inspiring building, but I wanted to see the flags and the couple of sculptures outside the main building. It's funny; the original concept would have been to have the member nation's flags in front of the building, but now that there's so many nations - 192, to be exact - the flags are spread up and down the street, crammed into little corners and amongst trees. Something about that makes me laugh.
Went down to Greenwich, walked around lots of nice little tree-lined streets, with a much more neighbourhood-y feeling than most of NYC. Then went to Union Square, where there was a cool little market going on, and lots of folks just hanging about. It always makes me think of the line in a song by The Velvet Underground: "gonna take a walk 'round Union Square, never know what you're gonna find there."
Next stop was Chinatown, which was a lot of fun. The main thoroughfare is pretty tacky and touristy, but the side streets are a delight. Satisfied a craving for Japanese sweets with a little multi-pack of goma, anko, and others. Found the World's Grossest Butcher, which really had every organ from every animal. Goat uterus, anyone? Seriously, what does one do with a goat's uterus? Blegh. Chinatown merged into Little Italy, and that was enough wandering for the day.
Went back to Donnie's, had some dinner, then headed out again to meet Steph, Edward and Dimple (Round 2 of the Japan Friends / Internet Friends Collision of Universes!) for karaoke. Went to a Korean place, had a blast. Dimple carried on the tradition of sneaking in her own grog, and it was grand. Ended the evening in a cosy pub, with me pumping coins into the jukebox and the girls getting their groove on.

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