Sunday, December 9, 2007

Day 57: Amsterdam

So Amsterdam is more than just quirky and ramshackle. It's full of life, and is a lot more laid-back and unpretentious than your average European capital. With Paris, Rome and Vienna, it seems like they're too worried about how fashionable their outfit is to have any fun. Amsterdam just shrugs its shoulders and enjoys itself.
Had a long walk through several pedestrian shopping streets to the Van Gogh Museum, which was manageably-sized and in possession of most of the Van Goghs that I know. Wandered back through town and found what I really dislike about the whole dope culture - the God-awful souvenirs. I'm not really the demographic that all the cannabis-leaf merchandise is aimed at anyway but still... a picture of Christ on the cross smoking a joint really isn't okay. The other thing is that all the stoners result in a lot of Marley / Guevera / dolphins / crystals rubbish.
Went for a walk to the red light district, and chanced upon a really cool bar / pub precinct (wrong time of day, unfortunately) and a surprising Chinatown. The red light district itself is obviously not aimed at me, though most of the shops and such were kind of amusing and silly, though the barely-dressed women in their glass-fronted rooms, beckoning passers-by, just felt awkward and a bit sad. If they're choosing what they do as a job, then good for them, but if it's the only way they have of making a living, then that's pretty depressing.
Kept walking around other, trendier, classier neighbourhoods - found lots of trendy shops, canals and bicycles. Amsterdam is full of bicycles, which is a great thing.
Eventually took a train to Hoek van Holland, to hop on a ferry back to England. I was expecting something like the ferries on the Seto Inland Sea, and was wondering what the price difference would be between a seat and a couchette. Boy, was I wrong. It's more like the Spirit of Tasmania, halfway to being a cruise ship. Now I'm sitting in my private cabin, looking forward to a good night's sleep and a big buffet breakfast in the morning.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I took that ferry from England with my sister! We missed the daytime one and ended up on the one that arrives in Amsterdam at 2am (or 4am if you miss the station on the night train, as we did). No private bunks for the 2 of us ragamuffins.